What if I want to Volunteer?
Volunteer hours are no longer required as part of our farm share, however, I will still offer opportunities for you to help if you would like to! There is always work to be done, and help is always needed for the Kaw Valley Farm Tour in the fall.
What if I go on Vacation?
Please make arrangements for someone else to pick up your bag if possible. Items already frozen can be saved for pick up the following week, fresh items will not. PAYMENT IS STILL REQUIRED.
What if I forget to pick up?
Picking up your bag is your responsibility; missed bag pickups will incur full charges. PAYMENT IS STILL REQUIRED.
Why can't I come when I want?
Members must respect that our farm is also our home. We have lots of responsibilities to meet throughout the day (caring for our animals, garden upkeep, homeschooling, etc), and unexpected visitors can throw off a whole day. We simply can't afford to lose a day's work. Thus, we ask that you respect the pick up times, or give us ample notice if you need to adjust your schedule. We welcome visitors by appointment, or when we are open for special events which are advertised as being open to the public.